This example demonstrates how to read/write I2C EEPROM's such as AT24C04 using ARM microcontroller. The example uses ReadAT24C04() and WriteAT24C04() functions from BiPOM Library.
Toolkit:ARM Development System
I2C_ERRCODE EEPROM_Test(void) { I2C_ERRCODE ec; I2C_DATA value; UINT ndx; tprintf("\n\rAT24C04 TEST"); // tprintf("\n\rWriting"); for (ndx =0; ndx < EEPROM_SIZE ; ndx++) { ec = WriteAT24C04 ( ndx, ndx & 0xFF ); if(ec) { tprintf( "\n\rERROR: WR ADDRESS %04xh",ndx); goto func_end; } else { if(!(ndx %32)) tprintf(".",ndx); } delayMs(10); } tprintf("OK"); // tprintf("\n\rVerifying"); for (ndx =0; ndx < EEPROM_SIZE ; ndx++) { ec = ReadAT24C04 ( ndx, &value ); if(ec) { tprintf( "\n\rERROR: RD ADDRESS %04xh",ndx); goto func_end; } else { if((value&0xFF) != (ndx & 0xFF)) { tprintf( "\n\rERROR: VF ADDRESS %04xh",ndx); ec = ERROR; goto func_end; } else { if(!(ndx %32)) tprintf(".",ndx); } } } tprintf("OK"); // func_end: tprintf("\n\rAT24C04 TEST "); if (ec) tprintf("FAILED"); else tprintf("PASSED"); return ec; } int main( void ) { char string[20]; I2C_ERRCODE ec; I2C_DATA dataByte; /* Initialize the system */ Initialize(); /* Repair I2C bus, software implementation */ Soft_I2C_Repair(); /* Initialize 100 KHz I2C bus, hardware implementation */ I2C_Config(100000); IOCLR0 |=1<<31; IODIR0 |=1<<31; /* EEPROM Test */ EEPROM_Test(); /* Loop forever */ for (;;){} }