The example reads 24-bit analog values and prints them to terminal. Target processor is MSC1211Y4.
Toolkit:SDCC 8051 Development System
UINT ReadAdc_MM51F( UBYTE channel, UBYTE* buffer ) { register UINT adcValue; register UBYTE tempValue,i; register int decimation; // Timer Setup PASEL = 0xFF; USEC = 21; // 22 MHz Clock ACLK = 17; // ACLK = 22,1184,000 / 18 = 1.2288MHz // modclock = 1.2288MHz / 64 = 19,200 Hz // Setup ADC PDCON &= 0xF7; // turn on ADC ADMUX = (channel<<4)|0x08; // Select Analog Channel // VRefOn, VRef Hi, Burnout Detect Off, PGA = 1 ADCON0 = 0x38; // unipolar auto, self calibration, offset, gain ADCON1 = 0x71; //Note that if decimation is too low, noise will appear... decimation = 1920; ADCON2 = decimation & 0xFF; // LSB of decimation ADCON3 = (decimation>>8) & 0x07; // MSB of decimation tempValue = 0; adcValue = 0; for ( i = 0; i<5; i++ ) { // Wait for four conversions for filter to settle after calibration while (!(AIE & 0x20)); // read adc adcValue = ADRESH; adcValue <<= 8; adcValue |= ADRESM; tempValue = ADRESL; // discard 8 low bits } // Put 3-byte analog value to buffer *buffer++ = tempValue & 0xFF; *buffer++ = adcValue & 0xFF; *buffer = (adcValue >> 8) & 0xFF; return adcValue; } int main (void) { UBYTE ndx; UBYTE buffer[3]; unsigned result; float voltage; char msg[32]; // Set the serial port to 19200 Baud serinit(CBR_19200); delay(500); /* Initialize I2C bus; this is used to communicate with secondary * microcontroller on the board to adjust LCD contrast. */ if( I2C_Repair() ) {printf("I2C bus is stuck !"); for(;;);} /* Adjust the contrast of LCD module (available levels: 0..15) */ LCD_Contrast(12); /* Initialize LCD display */ LCD_Init(); /* Loop forever */ for(;;) { // Read all analog channels printf("\n\r"); for ( ndx =0; ndx < /*MAX_CHANNEL*/1; ndx++) { /* Perform a conversion on the given channel */ ReadAdc_MM51F( ndx, buffer ); printf("Ch%d=%02x%02x%02xH ", ndx, buffer[2], buffer[1], buffer[0] ); /* Clear the screen ( this positions the cursor at top left corner ) */ LCD_WriteCtrl(LCD_CLEAR_SCREEN); /************************************************************************ Using only the most significant 16 bits of conversion, the formula for proper scaling is: Voltage in Volts = 2.5 Volts X [16-bit ADC Result] / 65536 *************************************************************************/ /* 16-bit ADC result is contained in buffer[1] and buffer[2]. * Multiply result by 1250 */ result = *((unsigned*)(&buffer[1])); // Enable this line to display raw 16-bit value for debugging purposes //printf( "\nresult=%u", result ); voltage = 2.5 * result 65536; printf( " voltage=%f V", voltage ); /* Print results to LCD */ sprintf( msg, "Ch%d=%6.4f V", ndx, voltage ); LCD_Write(msg); } } }