WebCatPlus Web Server Embedded Commands

WebCatPlus Web Server Supports Embedded commands to execute on server side.
You can insert the embedded commands to your web page to execute it before the page has been sent to user.
Embedded commands must be 14 (MAXIMUM) Characters between of ^...^ characters.  Prefix (#) allows to separate embedded commands from tags.

Example Syntax


Command List

OUT=P0.0, ..., OUT=P0.31 // Configures port #0 pin as OUT
INP=P0.0, ..., INP=P0.31 // Configures port #0 pin as IN
CLR=P0.0, ..., CLR=P0.31 // Sets logical 0 on port #0 pin
SET=P0.0, ..., SET=P0.31 // Sets logical 1 on port #0 pin
OUT=P1.16, ..., OUT=P1.31 // Configures port #1 pin as OUT
INP=P1.16, ..., INP=P1.31 // Configures port #1 pin as IN
CLR=P1.16, ..., CLR=P1.31 // Sets logical 0 on port #1 pin
SET=P1.16, ..., SET=P1.31 // Sets logical 1 on port #1 pin
CLR=R00,...,CLR=R63 // These commands allows to control PCF8574 I/O expanders on "4REED RELAYS" boards
SET=R00,...,SET=R63 // These commands allows to control PCF8574 I/O expanders on "4REED RELAYS" boards
LCDSTR="/images/2541549/string" // Sends "/images/2541549/string" to LCD
LCDD=%xx // Sends byte to LCD
LCDC=num // Writes to LCD242 control register
I2CSTART // Starts I2C
I2CNUM=number // Transmits data byte, for example, I2CNUM=208
I2CREC // Receives data byte to 8-byte I2C Buffer
I2CSTOP // Stops I2C
I2CSTR=String // Transmits string
I2CH=%XX // Transmits data byte, for example, %0D
CLR=IP // Clears 8-byte I2C receive buffer, executes I2C repair
CLR=IB // Resets ^I2C^ tag pointer
BAUD=baudrate // Sets speed of serial port UART0 in bauds
PARITY=parity // (NONE=0,ODD=1,EVEN=2). For example, PARITY=0
COMSTR="/images/2541549/string" // Sends "/images/2541549/string" to UART0
COM=%xx // Sends one byte to UART0
CLR=CP // Empties COM buffer
CLR=CB // Resets ^COM^ tag pointer
DELAY=msecs // Delays page loading on the specified time
WCSEC=16-bit number // Writes 16-bit number to SEC (seconds) register LPC2138
WCMIN=16-bit number // Writes 16-bit number to MIN (minutes) register LPC2138
WCHOUR=16-bit number // Writes 16-bit number to HOUR (hours) register LPC2138
WCDOM=16-bit number // Writes 16-bit number to DOM (day of month) register LPC2138
WCDOW=16-bit number // Writes 16-bit number to DOW (day of week) register LPC2138
WCDOY=16-bit number // Writes 16-bit number to DOY (day of year) register LPC2138
WCMONTH=16-bit number // Writes 16-bit number to MONTH (month) register LPC2138
WCYEAR=16-bit number // Writes 16-bit number to YEAR (year) register LPC2138